Learning Through 6C's - 10 Reasons Why I Love #WakeletStudentAmbassador

Hola! I am Batul Alamdar from India. I am a 15-year-old tech-savvy student, studying in Grade 9. My hobbies are coding, writing poems, listening to songs and learning new tech tools in a 21st Century Digital World. Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, I had the opportunity to explore many tech tools, and one of the best I discovered was WAKELET!

I learned about Wakelet from my teacher and became excited to ride the Wakelet wave. I attended webinars to get familiar with the features of the platform and build my technical skills. One day my teacher conducted an online session for students and introduced the Wakelet Student Ambassador Program. I was curious to know the details about it, and thus I started my Wakelet Student Ambassador Journey!

I started riding the wakelet wave on 3rd August 2020, and on 9th October 2020, I was officially

recognized as Wakelet Student Ambassador. It was an ace feeling achieving all the badges of

the 6C’s. The Student Ambassador Program helped me inculcate many skills and boosted my


Here are the Top 10 Reasons Why I Love The Wakelet Student Ambassador Program

  • Foster Imagination

The 6C’s - Curation, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration,

Communication and Citizenship respectively helps foster and increase

our imagination skills. 

  • Boosts our creativity

In the 21st Century, creativity is a superpower for everyone. For students

and teachers, creativity is what matters. Studying and teaching creatively

leads to an interactive classroom. Boosting creativity through this program

helps in handling situations and introduces us to the tech world.

Here's a link to My creative Collection.

Student Ambassador #Task 3 -  https://wke.lt/w/s/tov6-v

  • Escalates Curiosity

Asking questions is something very important because that escalates

our curiosity. Completing all the 6C’s students' curiosity increases

because a program like this introduces new ways of studying and

learning. Students will start getting interested and will love to see

such more initiatives and programs.

  • Helps in developing writing skills

Each challenge in this program consists of different ways of developing

skills, and writing is one of them. Before writing a certain paragraph on

a topic we do a lot of research and at last, we write the paragraph by

checking all the grammatical words and other stuff. Writing skills are a

must in every student and this program aims to improve every student's

writing skills.

  • Encourages Critical Thinking

Doing research for each challenge is not easy. It depends upon the

student how he/she thinks about the question. Critical Thinking is what

helps in conceptualizing things. We need to think out of the box for

doing something creative and innovative and Critical Thinking is what

we need during a situation like this. One of the C’s is critical thinking in

this program and that’s why this helps in encouraging students to do

something innovative. Here's an example of how this program escalates

Critical Thinking in students:-

News Channels good or bad? #task 2 -  https://wke.lt/w/s/LXbVeJ 

  • Builds Collaboration

Collaboration in simple words means engaging in teamwork for a

common purpose. Teamwork and collaboration skills are necessary for

a classroom to build a healthy environment. This helps in breaking

individuals barriers and introduces us to a new world of working together.

This not only helps in building collaborative skills but also in communicative

and thinking skills. Check this amazing example of how students

collaborated to do their task:-

#Task 4 - Music Combo Playlist -  https://wke.lt/w/s/cgs-0p

  • Develops 21st Century Digital Skills

In the 21st Century, we must know how to use tech creatively.

Technology is the base of our future and we all will rise and shine.

Student Ambassador gives us a platform to share our hidden talents

and showcase our inner creativity. Digital skills like surfing the net and

researching are something that we definitely learn while doing this


  • Enhances Presentation Skills

To make our presentation interactive we surf the net for ideas but most

of the time we use our mind. Presentation skills include the way your

content is eye-catching. This elevates our thinking capacity for

presentation skills. While completing all the 6C’s presentation plays a

major role. Every task is different and the way we present it helps viewers


  • Establishes Global Connection

Students from across the world are doing this Student Ambassador

program. When I became a Student Ambassador, I got to know about

many teachers and students in the community. They all shared their

presentations and we all established a Global connection. This way

students learn about new things and develop various skills too. We build

eagerness to know more about each other. This way it is more fun doing

this program.

  • Strong Support from Wakelet Community

The Wakelet Community and Team has and will always continue

supporting in our future. This achievement is not only for us but the

whole community. The family grows bigger and bigger as we join such

programs. The support from the community builds more confidence and

encourages the spirit of learning new things.

The Student Ambassador Program gave me a chance to showcase my talent and it

will give you yours. Teachers and students both participate in a joyous mode and

everyone enjoys it the most. Learning in a fun way is what students want. Thanks to

the whole Wakelet Team for introducing such a great initiative.



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